We are all family (City Country Mom)


10 real families invite us into their lives | A wonderfully touching children's book for ages 5 and up about family constellations

Whether patchwork, single parents, adoptive history, nest model, rainbow family: families can be so different, normal and special. In 10 stories, the authors of the “Stadt Land Mama” blog tell stories about the everyday lives of very different real families.

They open the doors to houses, apartments, closets and introduce us to 28 children, 9 dads, 9 moms, 1 grandma, 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 rabbits, 2 dwarf ponies and a turtle. Touching, funny and informative.

Malchin fled Syria with his parents, Mia has not been able to walk without help since she was born, Linnea is growing up with eight other children and Luis and Paul have two moms. As different as these families are, they are united by one thing: love.

A book to read aloud, read yourself, share, give as a gift, talk to, laugh, which shows how diverse living together can be.

With sensitive illustrations and photos of the families.


    "The book gives parents and children who don't fit the typical mold the good feeling that they are exactly right the way they are."


    Who is behind the book & how it came about

    Katharina Nachtsheim and Lisa Harmann, both journalists and well-known authors of the WOW MOM book series, together run the successful blog magazine Stadt Land Mama, one of the most successful and important parenting blogs in Germany.

    The many diverse and wonderful families from her blog and from her circle of family and friends inspired her to write this book. Simon is Lisa's cousin, and Malchin and his parents stayed with Lisa's family for a while after fleeing to Germany. His sister was named after Lisa's eldest child. Mia, in turn, is the best friend of Katharina's youngest daughter.

    While city mom Katharina lives in Berlin with her three children, country mom Lisa lives with her family near Cologne.